Steve Kirsch's Political Home Page
Steve Kirsch's blog
This page has my most recent political opinion pieces.
Better than Keystone XL: $3/gallon
gasoline from seawater
Surprising that we aren't talking about or building a much more attractive
alternative to Keystone.
Why global warming is more serious than
you thought
- Older articles
- Texas education under Bush
Bush's official accomplishments
in education: an analysis of the phony claims on this website.
Bush's real accomplishments in education (the
true version; the stuff he does not want you to know)
The Ad I ran right before the election exposing Bush's education claims
- Detailed analysis of the conflicting RAND report
that came out before the election
The Finn Editorial: lots of questions
that Finn and Bennett refused to answer about the RAND report.
They refused to supply the "missing data" they claimed was
The famous RAND report: Oct 24 Paper [Klein]:
this report showed Texas improved no more than the rest of the country after
Bush became governor! It has never been challenged based on the data or
methodology used.
Texas TASP scores and other pages about Bush's record show that Texas
didn't improve
Rod Paige: Selectively choosing to believe
the unbelivable test data and ignoring the objective test data
The July Report [Grissmer]:
this report showed Texas improved before Bush became governor
The Haney paper [Haney]
showing there is no Texas miracle. In fact, just the opposite occurred: TASP
scores have dropped dramatically since TASS!
- The Bush record
Bush accomplishments as President
Teacher turnover statistics
education policies
Comparison of Bush v. Gore on
education reform policies recommended by RAND
General Bush statistics for Texas
(the more honest version)
The BushFiles site
(general info on Bush)
Texas videos
of Bush's lack of accomplishment
- 5
questions for Bush about insider trading
"Fully vetted"...not! Not until you answer these 5
Why I gave millions to
Democrats in 2000
I was named the #1 political contributor to state parties.
- Why I didn't vote for President Bush
- Explains why I got involved in all this.
Code of Political Conduct
My proposal to change the face of politics today.
- Current projects
- National goals for energy and education
- Eliminating computer spam and viruses using a new approach that will be virtually 100% accurate
Terrorism: Optional national ID system using my new high speed match algorithm;
CKA funding
National energy policy by gathering a group of energy experts and not trying
to achieve consensus
Education legislation focused on incentivizing whole school reform plans
that have proven to work
Bush's record on education
in Texas
By focusing on accountability for Texas, failure rates soared to 70% on the
TASP exam (required to get into Texas higher ed).
- Terrorism/national security
- How to solve the INS problem of letting the wrong people into the US
- One approach with iris scans (use of existing cards)
San Jose blue ribbon- iris ID
A single card with a unique serial number
- What we can do now to make travel safer and more convenient
(we should focus on what really works instead of doing things that make it
easier for terrorists)
- Identifying terrorists before they strike
(using CKA to identify terrorists before they strike)
- How to prevent air hijackings (some simple
A national energy policy (a simple 6 point plan to achieve energy
- Political processes
- Why don't we have national goals?
Have you ever wondered?
Winning in 2004 What the Democrats need
to do to win.
A process for developing major political policies
National goals for energy and education
- Education
- National goals for energy and education
- How to fix our public
schools (short summary writeup, with hyperlinks for more detail)
- A specific legislative plan to fix
in America (this is the current effort: describes two specific bills,
but a bit out of date)
Education (PowerPoint
Education system incentive bill
(details, but somewhat out of date)
- Taxes
- The Federal Rebate: A better alternative to the $1.6 trillion tax
- Power crisis
- National goals for energy and education
- National energy policy (May 1,
Energy (PowerPoint presentation)
Letter to Gov Davis on specific actions he could take
(April 15, 2001)
- A way out of the power crisis- A NEW proposal
(updated Jan 28, 2001)
- Davis: Analysis time is over; please pick a
direction and tell us (op ed #1) published in San Jose Mercury
Davis has no plan for solving the power crisis (op
ed #2)
A process to solve the power crisis: teamwork (op
ed #3) published in Sacramento Bee
An immediate way to solve the power crisis (op ed #4)
Letter to Gov Davis- How to instantly fix the power crisis
(Jan 28, 2001)
- Recommendations for committee: California Waiting for Energy Lone Ranger
- Healthcare
- Healthcare bill
- Articles in the press
- The Dallas Morning News Campaign 2000 The Gore Campaign
points out that I was, "far and away" the largest dollar
contributor to either side's legal battle (want to know why
I did it?)
- Florida voting
- What I'm doing now about it now
- The Palm Beach ballot controversy
and other things in Florida
Re-allocation of votes and statistical counting
Was the Palm Beach ballot legal?
Suggested closing arguments in Sauls case
Who really won?
(and why I financially supported Seminole and Martin suits)
More reasons Gore won
Lots of other voting irregularities in Florida (including 27,000 in Duval)
- Seminole
Relief and what is fair to do under these circumstances
My thoughts on Gore's legal strategy
Seminole/Martin rulings: Florida courts create eight new laws
Brady paper on why the count in Florida is
A synopsis of what happened
in Florida
- Voting irregularities elsewhere
- Tennessee
- Humor
- Bumper sticker after 2004 elections
- Cover of Time
Two questions the Senate forgot to ask Rod Paige
- Five Ways I'd like to see Bush change his campaign
The only two real Miracles that Bush can take legitimate credit for
The US Supreme
Court decision clearly explained (suitable for lawyers and normal
Gore's Concession Speech- The unofficial drafts
Supreme Court unofficial transcript
Miscellaneous Presidential election humor
The vast left wing conspiracy
- About the ad I ran in various newspapers
- The Ad
Who I am and why did I get involved in this?
The quick story of how Bush fooled you with fuzzy math (see it clearly in
10 seconds)
What makes me so mad about this
Timing of the ad: Why did it run so close to election time and is that
really fair (this is really
Attacks on the ad
and why they will fail
Feedback about the ad
How to prove to yourself that the national test
data shows no improvement in Texas since 1994 (in 2 minutes)
- About the candidates
- Why should you vote
Why you should vote for Gore (including his true
role in creating the Internet)
Why you should not vote for Bush
Why you should not vote for Nader
How you can safely vote for Nader ( site)
Which candidate would make the best President/CEO
and why
The issues: How do the candidates stack up? Gore's
- Other political issues
- Want to help save the world? See my page on the CTBT.
- Background Research
- My research process
Bush v Gore- Annotated Bibliography
- Other information about me
- About Steve Kirsch
Why I donated $500K to the DNC
- Why I donated money to expose Bush's educational record and to fund the
various legal battles in Florida
Steve Kirsch Home Page
- Feedback
- See the FAQ (frequently asked questions) for
questions and instructions on how to comment on this site
Selected E-mails I've received